Naturally Organic Cotton

Naturally Organic Cotton

Naturally Organic Cotton

Naturally Organic’s cotton is cultivated and hand picked in the traditional co-operative manner that has been followed for centuries in the Cañete and Chincha valleys high in the Peruvian Andes. It is grown organically without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or defoliants to fertilize the crop, control plant growth or fight pests. No synthetic chemicals are used to strip the leaves in preparation for the harvest or during the manufacturing process. Hand picking ensures that it is the cleanest, purest, most resilient cotton fiber available.

Europe’s oldest and most prestigious certification agency KRAV of Sweden has certified our organic cotton. Their stamp of approval is not only a guarantee of organic standards, but also that social rights are observed in the production of our cotton. All the cotton used in our batting, filling and fabrics is this clean, pure, organic product. It is woven to very high standards into the finest, softest fabrics, in Germany and Switzerland.

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