Spring is in the Air


Guest blogger, Rachel Button, NYC Showroom

Since I am originally from the Northeast you might think I like the snow, cold, and winter but you’d be wrong. While I do like the changing of the seasons, a long harsh winter is not my idea of a good time – but a good, mild winter is what it is all about!

This year, here in the city, we didn’t get a lot of snow and I even heard it was the second warmest winter on record, which I am thankful for! Even still, the spring is something to look forward to – the new growth, the lighter coats, the longer days. I am what I call a ‘fair-weather’ runner, which means I normally don’t run in the winter. Although this year I did surprisingly hit the pavement a few times, normally I mark spring by taking my first outdoor run of the year. It is how I know the winter is over and as new life and growth start to appear, it just puts a smile on my face.  

I especially can’t wait to enjoy time outside in Central Park, walking home from work, not have to bundle up so much and being able to feel my face again! It seems the city changes with the weather, as well. People become less in a hurry, take time to enjoy things a little longer, enjoy eating outdoors again, linger longer looking into shop windows, and seem to smile more.

The spring is a reminder that things will be reborn and will re-grow, a great time for me to reflect and change things up. I love change and would have a tough time if the weather was always the same. I try to make the most of each season but the spring is certainly a welcome change from the winter! 

What do you like about spring? Feel free to comment below and let me know if you’re as ready for it as I am!

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